
Case №35

Traumatic Injury

Age of Wound: 2 months


  • Gender:


  • Age:

    70 years

  • Diagnosis:

    Traumatic Injury

Dynamics of treatment with Mirragen

  • Traumatic Injury

    At the beginning

  • Traumatic Injury

    After 5 weeks

  • Traumatic Injury

    After 30 weeks

Mechanical injury

The most common in the world are the following types of mechanical injuries: contusion, sprain, dislocation, rupture of ligaments, muscles and tendons, and bone fracture. Among them, the leading position, undoubtedly, is occupied by a bruise: not a single person can claim that he has never received such an injury in his life.

Bruises: features and treatment

A bruise is a closed mechanical injury to the tissues and organs of the body without visible disturbance of the outer integument, which occurs when struck with a blunt object with a relatively low kinetic energy or with a significant impact surface. The bruise sometimes accompanies other injuries (fracture, etc.).

With a slight bruise, minor hemorrhages and edema resolve on their own within a few days. The severity of the brain and spinal cord injuries should be assessed by a neurologist or neurosurgeon.

Tears and stretches

Stretching and rupture - closed damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the joint without disrupting its anatomical continuity, affecting all elastic structures of the human body. Allocate sprain of joint ligaments, muscles and tendons. Most often, the ligaments of the knee and ankle joints are injured, less often the elbow, shoulder and clavicular-acromial joints.