  • Medivo — An Exclusive Distributor Of The Revolutionary “Miracle” Product, MIRRAGEN In Ukraine


    An Exclusive Distributor Of The Revolutionary
    “Miracle” Product, MIRRAGEN® In Ukraine
  • Mirragen — An Innovative Wound Healing Dressing That Promotes Restorative Healing Even In The Most Serious Wounds


    An Innovative Wound Healing Dressing That Promotes Restorative
    Healing Even In The Most Serious Wounds
  • MIRRAGEN — Accelerates The Body’s Healing Processes And Rapidly Returns Skin To Its Natural Texture And Condition


    Accelerates The Body’s Healing Processes And Rapidly Returns Skin
    To Its Natural Texture And Condition
  • Mirragen — Is Based On a Proprietary Material That Is Designed To Fully Heal Even The Hardest-To-Heal Dermal Wounds


    Is Based On a Proprietary Material That Is Designed To Fully Heal
    Even The Hardest-To-Heal Dermal Wounds

MIRRAGEN® - Breakthrough Solution For Wound Healing

Designed for professional use for a variety of wounds, such as: 

  • Diabetic Ulcers
  • Vascular Ulcers
  • Venous Ulcers
  • Combing Wounds
  • Bedsores and Fistulas
  • Abrasions and Torn Wounds
  • Surgical Injuries
  • Skin Tears
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Burns 1 and 2 Degrees
  • War Injuries and Wounds
  • Gynecology, Caesarean Section

MIRRAGEN® consists exclusively of biodegradable borate glass fibers and particles.
It is a flexible and formable wound matrix, the shape of which can easily be adjusted to the wound geometry 

Breakthrough Solution

Product Sizes

MIRRAGEN® products are available in various sizes and shapes.
For detailed information, refer to the "Instructions for use"
MIRRAGEN® Product Sizes

Advantages of MIRRAGEN® Technology

  • Innovative Borate Technology

    biocompatible and gradually absorbed by the body
  • Natural Fibrous Microstructure

    facilitates normal healing process
  • Accelerated Healing

    wound healing time is 40% faster than with other treatments
  • Absorbs Moisture

    up to 400% of wound released moisture and exudates
  • Flexible Product

    formable and simple solution for geometrically complex wounds
  • Designed For Chronic Wounds

    intended for professional use
Advantages of MIRRAGEN®

Comparative Wound Healing Time

The healing time is 40% faster than with other treatments

40 days

28 days
50 days
Mirragen is produced on the basis of fiberglass that is biologically compatible with human tissues, which absorbs and dissolves in wound channel fluids.
Wound Healing Time

MIRRAGEN® Effectiveness

Uses of MIRRAGEN® products:
  • Diabetes

    Promotes the healing of severe chronic diabetic ulcers / open wounds previously impossible for cure and enables to avoid amputation
  • Plastic Surgery

    Promotes a rapid disappearance of scars and return
    of a natural and smooth skin
  • Pressure Ulcers/ Bedsores

    Miraculously accelerates a rapid healing of prolonged ulcers, relieving the patient of severe pain
  • Gynecology

    Promotes rapid recovery after c-section,
    leaving no scars on the body
  • Burns

    Significantly improves skin regeneration, damaged from severe burns, relieving the patient of severe pain
  • Surgical Wounds Including Amputation

    Accelerates the healing of deep wounds and return to a full-fledged way of life
MIRRAGEN® Effectiveness

About Medivo

Medivo is an exclusive distributor of MIRRAGEN® in Ukraine. MIRRAGEN® is manufactured in Rolla, Missouri, USA, by our partner, ETS Wound Care.

We dream and strive to ensure that the best products for quality health care are available in Ukraine. Thanks to the fast and uninterrupted supply chain, we can supply you with our product immediately, upon your request.

About Medivo