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  • Guide to the application of the improved matrix for wounds Mirragen

Guide to the application of the improved matrix for wounds Mirragen

Guide to the application of the improved matrix for wounds Mirragen

Improved matrix for wounds Mirragen is sterile packed in a two-section thermoformed tray placed in a foil sachet. The inner surface of the foil sachet and the inner tray are sterile. Follow the rules of asepsis and antiseptics to move the tray to the sterile area.

Indications for use

Mirragen Wound Matrix is ​​intended for use in wound therapy. Types of wounds include: partial and complete layered wounds, bedsores, venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, chronic vascular ulcers, fistulas (wound canals) / ulcers with subcutaneous tissue damage, surgical wounds, donor flap / graft, after microsurgery laser surgery, orthopedic interventions, when opening a wound), traumatic wounds (abrasions, lacerations, first and second degree burns, skin tears) and oozing wounds.

  • Stage 1.

Remove the foil sachet from the box. Find the cutout at the top of the sachet. Tear the sachet along the cutout (shown by the arrows in the photo).

  • Stage 2.

Remove the tray from the sachet (note: the tray and the bandage lying in it are sterile!).

  • Stage 3.

Remove the lid from the tray to remove the bandage.

The first application

Before applying the Improved Mirragen Wound Matrix to the wound, clean the wound area with an appropriate wound cleaning agent.

In the presence of non-viable tissues, they can be removed using conventional wound healing techniques. Dry the area around the wound. If necessary, at the discretion of the health care provider, you can apply a protective agent for the skin.

Cut with scissors or tear off with your hands a piece of bandage from the Improved Mirragen Matrix to match the size of the wound surface. Place the bandage directly on the wound area, ensuring full contact with the wound surface and covering the edge of the wound. The bandage may also cover the surrounding tissues.

When applying the Improved Mirragen Wound Matrix to a dry wound, moisten the dressing with sterile saline to help maintain a moist environment in the wound.

After applying the Improved Mirragen Wound Matrix, a secondary wound dressing should be applied to create an optimal wound environment and protect the wound area. The secondary dressing should completely cover the Mirragen matrix dressing. After proper placement, secure the secondary bandage with a band-aid, cling film, or other means.

Note: The choice of dressing that covers the wound may vary depending on the moisture of the wound and its location. Read the instructions for applying a specific bandage that closes the wound for complete information on application.

Bandage changes

The wound should be inspected at the frequency recommended by the wound care professional. It is recommended to replace the bandage with the Improved Mirragen wound matrix every 3-7 days, but the frequency of dressing depends on several factors, including the content of moisture / exudate in the wound, blood secretion, wound location, size / depth and frequency of therapeutic actions.

The dressing is changed according to standard wound treatment practices.

Remove the secondary bandage and associated fixing materials. Expose the wound under it, covered with a bandage Mirragen

Important Note: During therapy, new tissue may grow into the Improved Mirragen Wound Matrix. Do not attempt to forcibly remove or clean areas of the Mirragen dressing that have become attached or adhered to the wound area. The Mirragen bandage is 100% bioabsorbed and will eventually be absorbed into the wound area.

Free areas of the Improved Mirragen Wound Matrix can be removed or washed off with sterile saline. If necessary, apply an additional Mirragen bandage to fill and close the wound. If necessary, moisten the bandage with sterile saline.

Similar to applying a primary dressing from the Improved Mirragen Wound Matrix, apply a new secondary dressing on top of the wound on top of the Mirragen dressing.

Additional instructions
  • The improved Mirragen wound matrix is ​​intended for use under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
  • Do not use if the original packaging of the product is damaged.
  • If you need more information or guidance, please contact ETS Support.